These templates, blueprints and patterns are free for you to download, use and abuse, as part of my way to give back to the community and help others grow and develop in their skills.
The idea is that these are a helpful resource of templates and blueprints to assist in your builds in general as multi-use, rather than specific items.
All I ask is that if you download and use a template or blueprint, you give credit back to R31 Studios for it. The rest of your handiwork is your own.
I offer these templates out for free, with no pay wall, however if you feel you would like to help the cause and enable me to continue crafting and developing more templates, you can donate through the button below. Any amount is hugely appreciated, and truly valued, thank you.

Ukraine Fundraising:
Sunflower & Stickers
We all love stickers to liven up our craft space, laptops, phone cases and more, and they're such a great way to show support and speak up against the atrocities happening in Ukraine right now.
So here is a 4 hex sticker set, including the R31 logo for you to get your hands on. Each hex is approx. 60mm * 70mm in size, 135gsm, water resistant and with a matt finish.
All profits generated will go to providing urgent medical and life saving care to help families and individuals who are trapped or rescued, as well as the troops, and volunteers on the front lines.
Please write your address to send it to in the description and we'll get that sorted ASAP.

$8.00 NZD per set inc. global shipping

Sunflower Pattern
This Sunflower template basebuild has been produced as a way for us creatives to stand in solidarity with Ukraine and show support in our own way.
The pattern is free to download, as I know many of us dont have much to offer, and if making a prop to show your support on your feed is all you can do, then that is support enough!
However, for those of you can, please use the link below to donate what you can.
All proceeds generated will go to providing urgent medical and life saving care to help families and individuals who are trapped or rescued, as well as the troops, and volunteers on the front lines.
Get creative with it. Customise your sunflower. Give it your own flare. And share it on social media to show your support for Ukraine and those affected.