These templates, blueprints and patterns are free for you to download, use and abuse, as part of my way to give back to the community and help others grow and develop in their skills.
The idea is that these are a helpful resource of templates and blueprints to assist in your builds in general as multi-use, rather than specific items.
All I ask is that if you download and use a template or blueprint, you give credit back to R31 Studios for it. The rest of your handiwork is your own.
I offer these templates out for free, with no pay wall, however if you feel you would like to help the cause and enable me to continue crafting and developing more templates, you can donate through the button below. Any amount is hugely appreciated, and truly valued, thank you.

Ahh, that satisfactory feeling knowing a build is fully complete and wearable. Whilst most of the builds here at R31 Studios are props, accessories and tutorial pieces, there is generally at least one full cosplay build a year in development.
Build logs and additional photos will be added to each section in due time, but for now, here's a taster of my completed cosplay builds to date.

Vaas from Far Cry 3. My first cosplay appearance taking normal clothes and bought items and painting up toy firearms, and distressing everything.

OC DOvahkin design from Skyim. Main material: Cardboard Painted: Rattlecan & Acrylics

Historical/ OC hercules design with my first time using foam and taught me lots. Main material: Foam Painted: Rattle can & Acylics

Fully constructed of foam, breaking into using LED lights, and working out a robot's proportions on a human. Definitely my biggest challenge to date. Main Material: Foam Painted: Hexflex & Acrylics

OC armour design of the Sith Lord Darth Tenebrous. The only Sith Bith from the now cannon star wars expanded universe. A mix of hand sewn garments and foam armour & props. Main materials: fabric & foam Painted: hexflex and acrylics